Day: February 13, 2023

Austin L. Harper February 13, 2023

Without the stress of going to the office or having to turn on your computer as soon as you wake up, the holidays are a golden period for your sex life (and the rheumy morning fuck proves it).

Because, as much as we would love for our intimate life to be on the one hand, and our work life on the other, without any apparent connection, the two spheres are more related than we think.

“If you are satisfied on a sexual level , it helps you achieve fulfillment in the rest of the areas of your life, including work,” they comment from the toy firm LELO.

So for those who had a New Year’s resolution to blow it up with their projects in 2023, sex is the unexpected ally to achieve your goals.

And the reason is found in dopamine , the hormone that is released during sex and is associated with a feeling of pleasure and relaxation, along with oxytocin, the love hormone.

These two chemical substances produce greater personal satisfaction, making us more focused and concentrated .

It also affects the predisposition when it comes to doing work tasks (reading that email thread is going to cost you much less).

The hormonal consequences of sex in the body usually last approximately 24 hours, which is why the motivation for the day is built in the previous 12 hours, although it is sometimes difficult to synchronize the desire .

It is even associated with a decrease in sick leave due to reducing anxiety (one of the main reasons for requesting this leave) and improving the immune system by increasing defenses.

In summary, a fulfilling sexual life has a direct impact on job satisfaction and commitment to the company .

But, if the opposite happens, that is, if you have stress in the workplace , the desire decreases and you only want to go to bed to sleep and put an end to the day.

The most common thing when we go through a difficult period at the work level is that our intimate life falls to the last place on the list of priorities .

This means that you can’t focus when you’re trying to enjoy yourself or even forget to masturbate .

So maybe instead of keeping an eye on email until the last moment to be productive, the most productive thing is to turn off the phone and have sex (with or without company).

‘Intentional dating’: when you want to meet someone

You may start 2023 enjoying being single , but with things clear: you want to fall in love again, get to know someone seriously, beyond fleeting nocturnal encounters, and see what can happen.

What you want is to switch to Intentional dating or, as my grandmothers, less friends of Anglicisms, would say, “settle down”

The term originated in a French dating app that only allowed one match a day .

Intentional datingThis, which may seem nonsense if we take into account that one of the signs that you have Tinder is that your thumb feels burnt from swipe left and swipe right , it was key when it came to changing user interaction.

And it is that this only opportunity, having a bullet in the ‘loader’ and nothing else, was the way for those who used the application to finally pay more attention to their possible matches .

Intentional dating began to be related to delving deeper into the profile that pops up on the …

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